Cape Town family photography
Cape Town Family Photography
These Cape Town family photography sessions saw us through what must be one of the grimmest few months in our 17 years of making memories.
Being your own boss is not for sissies. No month is ever the same, nor is it ever predictable. But working for yourself does carry a certain element of excitement and accomplishment. In saying this, never would we ever have thought it would come to this. A world pandemic. One that would bring the tourism, events and entertainment industries to their knees. A situation that would see us turning over every single cent, just to make it through the month. It certainly has been a stormy ride, but I know we are not alone in this boat.
We are eternally grateful to every single family who booked one of our pop up Cape Town family photography sessions. It helped to keep us optimistic. It gave us our social fix when we were feeling isolated, and it kept us on our toes! It also confirmed the strength of the human spirit and mind.
And I do believe we are better people for it. I’d like to think it was good practice in learning how to create our own destiny.
We met some fabulous people during August, September & October! We traveled all over the peninsula and had so many gorgeous families in front of our lenses. What an honour to be a fly on the wall for just a few minutes and create memories with you all. We hope that you will treasure the images from our family photography sessions, and that maybe they will be some sort of a reminder of the strange times we find ourselves in.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
‘Gratitude turns what we have into enough.’ – Aesop