Lauren & Adrian’s Cape Town Beach Engagement Shoot

Lauren & Adrian

This Cape Town beach engagement shoot happened rather spontaneously!  Adrian asked Lauren to marry him on top of Table Mountain.  So naturally this iconic Cape Town landmark holds a very dear place in their hearts.  For their engagement shoot, we decided that we’d take the cable car up and capture an early morning sunrise shoot on top of Table Mountain in honour of their special engagement.

Adorned in down jackets, beanies and gloves, we met up with Adrian and Lauren at the cable station.  The weather had other plans though.  The mist was so thick that you could hardly even see a  few metres  ahead of you.  Adrian and Lauren are members of the Table Mountain National Park, and get a free daily cable car ride up the mountain.  Adrian did a quick trip to the top to see what conditions would be like up there, but alas the distraught message came through saying that it was even worse up there and it was only 4 degrees!

So what to do?  Lauren’s dad happened to be in Camps Bay, so she gave him a quick call to find out what the weather was doing on that side of the mountain.  He said there was no mist and “the sun was shining over Robben Island.”As Lauren is an equine vet, and often on standby, it was now or never!  We hopped in the car and went across to Maidens Cove.

And so it was that a Table Mountain engagement shoot became a Cape Town Beach engagement shoot!

Although still a little gloomy and drizzly, the sun did make a short appearances from time to time, and the overcast weather created the most beautiful reflections in the tidal pools.

Lauren and Adrian are sporty and adventurous, so clambering around on the boulders came as second nature to them.  Adrian is an avid photographer himself.  See his work here.  It was lovely to be photographing a couple who have an appreciation for nature and their surroundings.  It’s amazing how sometimes you just seem to connect with a couple, and if feels like you have known them forever, not just for 1 hour!

How lovely to get to know the two of you during your Cape Town beach engagement shoot, Lauren and Adrian.  You are such a lovely couple, and we are so looking forward to capturing your wedding at the lovely Bon Cap in September.


  • Dear Selma and Andre,

    Although we didn’t get first prize of Table Mountain the substitute worked out incredibly well, as the photos speak for themselves! It was a really enjoyable morning and I’m super happy we chose you guys as our photographers. And I am very fussy… Not long now till the big day 🙂 Looking forward to a great day and am thrilled to have you with us. This is raising the bar high with these photos so no pressure hey! 😛


  • Adrian and Lauren, congratulations, these photos are incredible! All of us at Canoe & Kayak World wish you both a wonderful future ahead of you.

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